(The complete haul)
(Sandpaper and sticks)
(My paint colors)
Unfortunately, I couldn't get a picture...but my mother saw the paint with the totally blue lid and picked it up and shook it; it did nothing. She shook it again and splattered paint over Home Depot's floor. Way to go, Mom. I love you, though.
We also went to Atlantis Hydroponics for our brand- new student who is growing plants hydroponically. The dude there was awwesome. He gave us a rubber tree, an aloe vera, some NASA tomatoes, and other vegetables and fruits grown hydroponically. If you don't know what hydroponic means, you can go to the Atlantis Hydroponics website; they will tell you all about it. The man that helped us even told us that we can take a field trip there, or he can come to us, and he invited us to visit his personal greenhouse about five miles away from HoneyFern. AMAZING! What did you do today? I love my school!