My humble quest to build La Petite Maison!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

18 Hours Left!

Only 18 hours left until the end of my Indiegogo fundraiser! Can you help? Let's see how much we can raise in a short amount of time. Thank you to all of my contributors and the people that made it possible.


  1. Dear Sicily~ I've been following your story on the Boneyard Studios blog. They just posted an update & I want you to know that you & your family are in my thoughts & prayers. A month after my 12th birthday, my mother died in a car accident, so I know first-hand about the shock & pain of the experience that you are now going through. Please be gentle with yourself, Sicily. Blessings along your journey, Kiddo. ~ Rev. Cynthia

    1. Thank you for your comment and your support. It has been a rough seven months for La and I. We are back at it, and I appreciate the reminder to be gentle with ourselves. It is easy to forget.

      Suzannah (La's mama)
